Now enrolling children 12 months to 6 years.

Toddler Program

Ages 18 months to 3 years

During the first three years of your child’s life, they are developing at a rapid rate – more so than at any other age. They’re absorbing an incredible amount of information from their surroundings. Children at this age learn from their environment simply by experiencing it. These critical years lay the foundations for learning throughout the rest of their lives.

What will your toddler learn at Aubrey Montessori School?

We’ve designed our classrooms to engage curiosity and budding independence. Our teachers observe your child each day and introduce a tailored curriculum based on your child’s unique interests and skills.

Learning objectives center around the developmental skills appropriate for their age.

What’s a classroom in the Toddler Program like?

We designed our Toddler classrooms specifically for children 18 months to 3 years of age. Each class safely supports your child and their desire to do things alone. We use proper terms (no baby talk) so your child gets exposed to a broader vocabulary. Our teachers also encourage communication with other children in the classroom.

Within our rooms, we create a prepared environment that allows the toddlers to:

  1. Practice self-care
    This includes learning toilet awareness and personal hygiene (such as wiping their noses or washing their hands).
  2. Rest independently
    Toddlers prepare their own beds for a nap, take a rest, and tidy up their area after they awake.
  3. Learn, discover, and grow
    Our rooms are stocked with materials appropriate for the size and age of a toddler. Each day, they learn skills, prepare their meals or snacks, and clean up after themselves

What’s their environment like?

The learning environment is geared towards your child’s independence. We also help them express their creativity, explore their curiosity, and learn to observe others. They enjoy the freedom to learn within an atmosphere that’s calm, organized, and inviting.

1. The Community

Our teachers carefully observe and guide your child each day. Teachers are gentle, kind, patient, and trusting with your child. They respect and care for your child. They do this by using eye contact, addressing your child using their name, and getting down to their level when interacting with them. Teachers will also speak before they touch or move your child. This reinforces an environment that’s safe and soothing for each child.

2. Learning Tools & Resources

Every learning material in the classroom is designed for a purpose. Our materials are inspired by or involve real-life activities, such as feeding and dressing. They improve your child’s concentration and teach them problem-solving. They also instill confidence and achievement.

All materials are placed on low shelves so the children can easily access them. Toddlers choose what interests them most, use it for however long they desire, and then clean up after they’re finished. The child is then free to make another choice.

3. Your Child’s Independence

Our approach supports the natural development of your child. From furniture to utensils and tools, all materials and equipment in the Toddler Program are child-sized. They’re intended to improve your child’s motor skills and help them make their own choices. The result is a more independent child with greater self-esteem, concentration, and thinking skills.

Considering Aubrey Montessori School for your child?

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